Two new self-service libraries launched in Jyväskylä, age restrictions lifted

The libraries in Palokka and Vaajakoski will operate extended opening hours from Monday, 3 February 2020. The libraries will be open on a self-service basis in the morning, evening, during weekends and on public holidays. The age restrictions on non-staffed access have also been lifted.
Jyväskylä now has a total of seven self-service libraries
During self-service hours, visitors can borrow and return books, collect reserved titles, read newspapers, magazines and other materials and use the library for working, studying or socialising. The library computers are available as normal, and visitors will be able to connect to the library wi-fi network too. If you have fines or other outstanding fees, you can pay for these online. Some of the self-service libraries also offer photocopying and printing services.
More information
- Seija Laitinen-Kuisma, Chief Librarian, Jyväskylä City Library, phone +358 14 266 4093, seija.laitinen-kuisma[at]jyvaskyla.fi
- Self-service libraries in Jyväskylä: https://www.keskikirjastot.fi/web/arena/omatoimikirjastot